TAABCO is a research and development consulting resource organization whose main aim is to strengthen civil society organizations, religious institutions and other service provision entities to be visible, vibrant and sustainable actors in socio-economic development and poverty alleviation.
Our consultancy services
For over 24 years, Taabco has proven to be a leading consulting firm for strengthening organizations to manage change through consultancies, training, research and policy analysis. Taabco achieves this by embedding super-tight partnerships and accompaniment approaches with its wide audience reach.
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The Joint Learning Initiative East Africa Hub on Peace building,...
Read MoreTaabco participates in the launch of a report on the role of private sector in peace building
On 23rd March 2022, TAABCO, through Mr. Alvin Andanje, participated in...
Read MoreMonitoring and evaluation during COVID-19
Article first published by IEG, World Bank Group By: Jeff Chelsky & Lauren...
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