
Ranging from enabling develop and review Strategic plans, embed learning and carry out evaluations, Taabco prides itself in having the best expert for your needs. Both formative and summative evaluations cover a variety of evaluation purposes and designs . Taabco enables investigate the efficiency, relevance, and effectiveness of activities and processes. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we measure the impact of development programs to determine their true effects. We help programmatic decision makers and managers make socially impactful decisions using rigorous evidence. We carefully tailor a wide range of analytical and quantitative tools to enable our clients to design better policies, rigorously test those ideas, and take informed action at scale to improve lives. 

Recent projects and clients

  • PELUM KenyaStudy on climate change and gender, baseline survey for Pennell project
  • Baseline SurveysUCCS, CISS,ICA Kenya, CCCSMKE, RODI,JAM Project
  • ACK DOSS-Study on the role of church in social development-1975-2005
  • East Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF)- Study on Agricultural sector allocation
  • DIGNI- Study on the role of church in development
  • Norwegian Mission Society (NMS)-Study on the role of Missionaries
  • EED-CSOs mapping in S. Sudan.

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